
The electric replica of R2D2

Primary LanguageC++


➭ The electric replica of R2D2

I highly recommend watching the videos 'R2D2_start_and_shutdown_system.mp4' & 'R2D2_is_afraid_of_DarthVader.mp4' to experience the full beauty of the project.

Here is some information about the R2D2 replica (detailed information in the documentation 'R2D2_doku_german.pdf'):

  • Controlled using the 'Arduino bluetooth' app.
  1. Start: Start system (Video: 'R2D2_start_and_shutdown_system.mp4')
  2. DarthVader: R2D2 flees from DarthVader (Video: 'R2D2_is_afraid_of_DarthVader.mp4')
  3. Follow: R2D2 follows the hand as soon as it is held in front of his field of view (sensors). (Photo: 'IR-Compound-Eye + H-Bridge.png')
  4. Shotdown: Turn off system (Video: 'R2D2_start_and_shutdown_system.mp4')
Mobile phone R2D2 connection:
  • Via Bluetooth and HC-05 module (Photo: 'HC-05 +RGB LED.png')
  • 3d printed components that were then painted.
  • Thingiverse
Drive feet:
  • Two electric motors that are hidden in the legs on the left and right. (Photo: 'IR-Compound-Eye + H-Bridge.png')
Drive head:
  • A servo motor built into the body. (Photo: 'Speaker + Servo_Steckplatine.png' & 'R2D2_top.png')
  • Played using SD card reader and speakers. (Photo: 'SD-Card-Reader_Steckplatine.png' & 'Speaker + Servo_Steckplatine.png')
Status Lamp:
  • Below the face sensor. (Photo: 'HC-05 +RGB LED.png')
  • 2x 9V in the body, 1x 6V on the back

Feedback & Questions

If you have any feedback, please check out my email adress on my website or connect with LinkedIn.

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