
  1. Java JDK 1.8 or later.
  2. Apache Maven 3.0.5 or later.

How to install

Clone this repo using "git clone https://github.com/JKAUSHALYA/swaggerdocumentgenerator.git"

How to run the tool

  1. If there are any custom templates to be used, add them to the templates folder.
  2. Copy the swagger yaml file into the swagger-yaml folder.
  3. Open the pom file using a text editor and update the property <swagger.yaml.file.name></swagger.yaml.file.name> with correct swagger file name.
  4. Open a terminal and run "mvn clean install post-site" command.
  5. If all success, there will be a message displaying "BUILD SUCCESS".
  6. Generated documentation site will be available as "doc.zip" inside doc folder.