
C# library for loading .ltx trees from the STALKER series

Primary LanguageC#


A C# library for loading .ltx files, trees, and ltx-formatted strings from the STALKER series.
It also handles ACDC's special <<END...END block syntax if you're into that sort of thing.
You can get it from NuGet.

Example Use

List<string> weaponsWithScopes = new List<string>();
Config config = Config.ReadModLtx(@"C:\AMK\gamedata\config", @"C:\Vanilla\gamedata\config", "system.ltx");
foreach (Section section in config)
    if (section.ContainsField("scope_status") && section.GetInt("scope_status") > 0)
// Congrats, now you have a list of weapons that can use scopes for some reason



Represents an entire loaded config tree. Indexable by section names. Iterable by sections.


Config ReadLtx(string filePath)

  • Returns a Config loaded from the specified file. Ex:

Config config = Config.ReadLtx(@"C:\Vanilla\gamedata\config\system.ltx");

Config ReadModLtx(string modConfig, string vanillaConfig, string fileName)

  • Returns a Config loaded from the mod directory, starting with the specified file.
    Falls back to the vanilla directory if files are missing from the mod directory. Ex:

Config config = Config.ReadModLtx(@"C:\AMK\gamedata\config", @"C:\Vanilla\gamedata\config", "system.ltx");

Config ReadCustomData(string ltx)

  • Returns a Config loaded from the given string. Ex:
string ltx = "[section1]\r\nfield1 = value1";
Config config = Config.ReadCustomData(ltx);

bool ContainsSection(string section)

  • Returns true if the section exists in the config.

Section Default

  • Fields occuring before a section are stored here. Only used if config is loaded from ReadCustomData.


Represents one section of a config. Indexable by field names. Iterable by fields.


string Name

  • The section name it was loaded from.

int Count

  • The number of fields in this section.

bool ContainsField(string field)

  • Returns true if the field exists in this section.

GetBool/GetDouble/GetInt/GetString(string field)

  • Interprets the value in the given field as the appropriate type. Ex:

bool zoomEnabled = section.GetBool("zoom_enabled");

GetBools/GetDoubles/GetInt/GetStrings(string field)

  • As above, but returns a List of values separated by commas/whitespace. Ex:

List<double> coordinates = section.GetDoubles("position");



  • Thrown if two sections with the same name are found.


  • Thrown if a section inherits another that does not exist.


  • Thrown if there's a field before any sections. Ignored when using ReadCustomData.


  • Thrown if a line of unknown format is found.