A LabVIEW wrapper around the rust `toml_edit` library (built into a DLL).
- 0
optimize string reading in LabVIEW by returning string length from (rust) shared library
#12 opened by jimkring - 0
Error Handling
#10 opened by JamesMc86 - 10
[Investigation] Read string data using CLFN (and pass out string pointer separately)
#3 opened by jimkring - 1
- 0
- 0
toml_edit_inline_table_remove_item should return an i64 and -1 if null or not found
#6 opened by jimkring - 2
Keys containing parentheses are invalid
#4 opened by Tom-McQuillan - 0
ensure we're not dereferencing null pointers
#5 opened by jimkring - 1
Make shared library thread-safe
#2 opened by jimkring - 0
References should be passed from LabVIEW to DLL as Unsigned Pointer-sized Integer (USZ) values
#1 opened by jimkring