Deprecated; New home : UtiLib.Net.Discovery (
Allows you to scan your whole network for specific ports in a matter of seconds
using JScan.Net.Data;
using JScan.Net.Scan;
#Fast Portscanning The library also supports scanning of the whole current lan ip address range
##Scanning the whole subnet synchronously
ScanSettings ScS = new ScanSettings(
scanPorts: new UInt16[] { 3000 },
ipmode: IPScanMode.AllSubnet,
mode: ScanMode.Synchronous,
pingtimeout: (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).TotalMilliseconds
ScanWrapper sw = new ScanWrapper(ScS);
Console.WriteLine("Scan finished syncronously");
var res = sw.Results;
foreach (var cIP in res.Keys)
var cres = res[cIP];
Console.WriteLine("{0}:", cIP);
foreach (var port in cres.Keys)
Console.WriteLine("\t{0}:{1}", port, cres[port].ToString());
##Scanning the whole subnet asynchronously
ScanSettings ScS = new ScanSettings(
scanPorts: new UInt16[] { 3000 },
ipmode: IPScanMode.AllSubnet,
mode: ScanMode.AsyncProgressive,
pingtimeout: (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).TotalMilliseconds
ScS.progressiveAsyncScanStatusChangedCallback = new Action<TCPScan>((TCPScan ar) =>
Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1} {2}", ar.Host, ar.Port, ar.TcpState);
ScS.completeAsyncScanFinishedCallback = new Action<Dictionary<IPAddress, Dictionary<int, TCPortState>>>(ar =>
Console.WriteLine("Finished Scan asyncronously");
ScanWrapper sw = new ScanWrapper(ScS);
##Scan Settings Scan all subnets the machine is in
ScanSettings ScS = new ScanSettings(
scanPorts: new UInt16[] { 3000 }, //Ports to scan
ipmode: IPScanMode.AllSubnet, //Scan all ips in the subnet the machine is in, doesn't need any additional data
mode: ScanMode.Synchronous, //Don't run async, wait for result, the results are avaiable afterwards in the apropriate property
pingtimeout: (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).TotalMilliseconds //Set the maximal ping timeout, 2 seconds are recommended
Scan just a specific netmask
ScanSettings ScS = new ScanSettings(
scanPorts: new UInt16[] { 80 },
ipmode: IPScanMode.Subnet, //Scan just specific subnets, MaskData is required!
mode: ScanMode.AsyncProgressive, //Report status on statuschange and call completition action (needs to be set)
pingtimeout: (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).TotalMilliseconds,
StorageData: (IScanStorage)new List<AddressByteCollection>(new[] {
new AddressByteCollection(IPAddress.Parse(""), IPAddress.Parse("")) //Required: a ip in the network and the mask
Scan specific list of ip's
ScanSettings ScS = new ScanSettings(
scanPorts: new UInt16[] { 80 },
ipmode: IPScanMode.List, //Scan just specific list of ips (ScanStorageListData required!!)
mode: ScanMode.Synchronous,
pingtimeout: (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).TotalMilliseconds,
StorageData: (IScanStorage)new ScanStorageListData(new[] { //needed if ipmode is IPScanMode.List
Scan ip ranges
//Not implemented yet!