A quick dropwizard guicey demo application
- Supports http1.1 and http/2 connections
- JDK 21
- I Prefer of OpenJDK Temurin Distribution Over The Oracle Distribution of OpenJDK
- A recent version of maven
How to run the App Locally
- Edit the config.yml and set a preferred sqlite db file location.
- Build the app and executable
- Initialize the Database File
./app/target/app db init ./app/target/classes/config.yml
- Run the migrations (must be done any time new migration scripts are created)
./app/target/app db migrate ./app/target/classes/config.yml
- If you'd like, view the current database status
./app/target/app db info ./app/target/classes/config.yml
./app/target/app server ./app/target/classes/config.yml
curl localhost:8080/auto-app/ping
- Test the admin servlet apis
curl localhost:8080/admin/healthcheck