KrakenSocketClient, SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync doesn't work expected.
khaNuri opened this issue · 2 comments
khaNuri commented
SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync take only one message.
SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync send only one data at all and stoped without any exception.
KrakenSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new KrakenSocketClientOptions()
ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("KEY", "SECRET"),
LogLevel = LogLevel.Debug,
LogWriters = new List<ILogger> { new ConsoleLogger() }
var socketClient = new KrakenSocketClient();
decimal lastBid = 0m;
decimal lastAsk = 0m;
socketClient.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync("XRP/USDT", data =>
bool print = false;
if (lastBid != data.Data.BestBids.Price)
lastBid = data.Data.BestBids.Price;
print = true;
if (lastAsk != data.Data.BestAsks.Price)
lastAsk = data.Data.BestAsks.Price;
print = true;
if (print)
Console.WriteLine($"Ask {lastAsk:N4} - Bid {lastBid:N4}");
JKorf commented
This works fine for me in the latest version. You'll probably want to await
the sub/unsub calls. If you put LogLevel to Trace you'll have more info on what the socket is receiving
khaNuri commented
Yes, You are right! The very slow data flow misled me. I tought it must be same as Binance... I closed issue. Thanks.