A C# .netstandard client library for the Kraken REST and Websocket Spot and Futures API focusing on clear usage and models
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#123 opened by rakewell - 2
[Feature] Trades History
#122 opened by CraftoHohenvels - 2
Issue with Order Updates in KrakenExchange.Net 4.10.0 and CryptoExchange.Net 7.10.0
#115 opened by sophiaciotti - 1
Cannot add TrailingStopLimit Order
#114 opened by Toradar - 0
A trailing stop limit order with a percentage value fails GetClosedOrdersAsync call
#121 opened by yukseljunk - 3
Issue with date in Websocket API
#119 opened by vincentbillardfr - 5
Portfolio value?
#112 opened by hex - 2
socketClient.SpotApi.SubscribeToUserTradeUpdatesAsync requires webSocketToken
#111 opened by SmarterSystems - 2
Bug - Asset names do not get returned in krakenClient.SpotApi.Account.GetAvailableBalancesAsync()
#108 opened by tomShoutTheSecond - 4
GetSymbolsAsync(): Deserialize JsonReaderException
#105 opened by rakewell - 2
Order failed: [ServerError] EGeneral:Invalid arguments:volume
#100 opened by hex - 1
Staking API is deprecated
#88 opened by TomasMichal - 4
Possible type bug for Quantity parameter in PlaceOrderAsync method on KrakenRestClientFuturesApiTrading
#87 opened by chdierckx - 2
Error with parameter secondaryPrice = null in KrakenSocketClient.SpotApi.PlaceOrderAsync
#99 opened by vincentbillardfr - 2
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SubscribeToKlineUpdatesAsync updates are sent randomly
#96 opened by rrkpt - 2
Add support for Spot FIX API
#93 opened by R00iBaard - 2
How to use logging and access Discord?
#92 opened by tardezyx - 1
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With the DataEvent<KrakenFuturesBookUpdate> callback parameter is impossible to get the symbol.
#84 opened by Piggy69 - 2
Permission denied for GetWebsocketTokenAsync
#85 opened by NuclearRazor - 2
TickSize is always null
#82 opened by NuclearRazor - 1
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Missing endpoint method GetWithdrawStatusAsync
#78 opened by masherak - 4
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KrakenSocketClient.SpotStreams.SubscribeToOrderBookUpdatesAsync not accepting array of symbol strings
#72 opened by BscuserXYZ - 2
Error : WaitingForActivation
#64 opened by JRB202 - 1
WebKrakenClient.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync fails if validatingOnly = true
#70 opened by evolinux - 1
AggregateException for valid T/EUR symbol
#67 opened by Bunnywood - 5
Implement websocket ping/pong and heartbeat
#55 opened by EpsilonD3lta - 1
WebSocket API will implement real time notification of deposits to Kraken account
#59 opened by JRB202 - 1
Get OHLC Data End Time
#63 opened by Admiraliss - 1
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SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync doesn't get new data on best bid / best ask changes
#66 opened by yanivshaked - 2
WebSocket API "PlaceOrder" : StartTime/ExpireTime parameters are not working
#62 opened by vincentbillardfr - 2
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#58 opened by dharmatech - 5
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missing enum/Ledger type
#60 opened by ludovicjul - 3
Multithreading Support
#56 opened by jaylagorio - 2
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SecondaryPrice in PlaceOrderAsync should use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture in ToString conversion
#51 opened by Raist007 - 1
SubscribeToOwnTradeUpdatesAsync subscribing to "openOrders" instead of "ownTrades"
#49 opened by Raist007 - 4
Socket Message not handled error
#48 opened by Bunnywood