
An animal shelter api that hosts a database with user generated animals.

Primary LanguageC#

Animal Shelter API

By Jacob Wilson

An animal shelter api that hosts a database with user generated animals.

Technologies Used

  • .Net5.0
  • GitBash
  • Dotnet Script
  • VS Code
  • C#
  • Markdown
  • MySQL
  • EntityFrameworkCore
  • Swagger
  • Api Versioning


An api database designed for use at an animal shelter. The api contains endpoints that allow users to create, edit, view, and delete animals. The api supports version control through Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning and supports viewing of the api with swagger.

Setup/Installation Requirements

Step1: Clone the project.

  • Navigate to the github repository here
  • Click code and copy the https link
  • In your in git bash or your preferred git terminal navigate to the directory you would like to store the project
  • Enter: git clone followed by the https link
  • Now that the repository is cloned to your computer, right click on the folder and click open with vs code Step2: Install Dependencies.
  • Once in the project navigate to the AnimalShelter directory
  • In your terminal type dotnet restore to install dependencies

Step3: Database Initialization.

  • In order to initialize a database you will need to create an appsettings.json file that looks like this
  "ConnectionStrings": {
      "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=jacob-wilson;uid={YOUR USER ID HERE};pwd={YOUR PASSWORD HERE};"
  • Once you have the appsettings.json fie, to create a database run: dotnet ef migrations add Initial
  • To update the database in MySQL run: dotnet ef database update

Step4: Run the project.

  • At this point you will now be able to view the project by typing dotnet run in the terminal

API Endpoints

Rout Description
http://localhost:5000/Swagger Use swagger to navigate the api
Version 1 Routs prefix with /api/v1
http://localhost:5000/api/v1/animals Full list of animals
http://localhost:5000/api/v1/animals/1 Finds animal by ID (replace 1 with desired id)
Version 2 Routs prefix with /api/v2
http://localhost:5000/api/v2/animals Animals now supports search functionality
Animals sorted by name to differentiate
Versions while no search is present
http://localhost:5000/api/v2/animals?age=1 Animals with age of 1 (replace 1 with desired age)
http://localhost:5000/api/v2/animals?gender=female Animals that are female(male also available)
http://localhost:5000/api/v2/animals?species=cat Animals that are cats(dog also available)
http://localhost:5000/api/v2/animals?name=milo Animals that are named milo

Further Exploration Objectives


Versioning is used to allow different releases of the api without breaking client applications that rely on functionality.

First I added versioning support in ConfigureServices and specified a default version if one is not selected:

services.AddApiVersioning(options => 
              options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
              options.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 0);
              options.ReportApiVersions = true;

In this API I set the rout to be version dependant with this route decorator above the AnimalsController class:


In order to make the AnimalsController available to both version 1.0 and 2.0 you will also use the ApiVersion attribute in the same location:


Now all that is left to do is specify which which methods belong to which version using MapToApiVersion:



With this api I use swagger to allow for clear documentation of the api's crud functionality. While dotnet new webapi --framework net5.0 does come with some swagger implementation by default the problem is that it will throw an error if you are using version control, as it cannot differentiate versions the routs from each other without some added functionality. To get around this I had to use custom configurations for swagger options. Since we shouldn't do this in Startup.cs's configure method I created a ConfigureSwaggerOptions that will assist in creating new json files for each version.

With the ConfigureSwaggerOptions class made we just reference it in Startup.cs Configure and tell it to use SwaggerGen:


All that's left is to insert the middleware, and generate endpoints for each available version:


app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
    foreach(var description in provider.ApiVersionDescriptions)

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs

License - MIT

If you run into any problems or find a bug, would like to reach me for a separate reason, feel free to send me an email @jacobleeeugenewilson@gmail.com with details of your issue.

Copyright (c) 01/21/2022 Jacob Wilson