To Do List

By **Jacob Wilson**

A webpage that allows the user to create a to do list.

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • Markdown
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Razor
  • Bootstrap


A webpage that allows users to create different to do list items and allows the user to arrange them all into categories.

The models used were thoroughly tested and use Object Oriented Programming best practices.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • You can find the github repository here
  • Click the code button, and copy the https link
  • In your in git bash or your preferred git terminal navigate to the directory you would like to store the project
  • Enter: "git clone" followed by the https link
  • Now that the repository is cloned to your computer, right click on the folder and click open with vs code
  • Navigate to the ToDoList directory and type dotnet restore to install dependencies.
  • You can now type dotnet run to run the program
  • If you would like to test navigate to the ToDoList.Test folder and type dotnet restore, then dotnet test

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs

License - MIT

If you run into any problems or find a bug, would like to reach me for a separate reason, feel free to send me an email with details of your issue.

Copyright (c) 12/17/2021 Jacob Wilson