- 0
Implement signature polymorphic method handles
#255 opened by zero9178 - 0
`new` in JIT should trigger class initialization
#297 opened by zero9178 - 0
- 0
Cleanup local JNI frame on exception
#246 opened by zero9178 - 0
Parse and handle Attributes
#221 opened by nemegyeb - 0
Consider `ClassObject`s as GC roots
#197 opened by zero9178 - 0
Make LLVM IR output deterministic
#196 opened by zero9178 - 0
Optimize `checkcast` for upcasts
#244 opened by nemegyeb - 0
Remove HandlerChain
#243 opened by nemegyeb - 0
Add line debug info to compiled JVM bytecode
#115 opened by zero9178 - 0
Implement `String[] args` of `main` method
#81 opened by zero9178 - 0
Immediately save LLVM build on successful compile
#194 opened by zero9178 - 0
- 0
Optimize Java object instance field layout
#229 opened by zero9178 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
[CI] Add CI for shared library build
#203 opened by zero9178 - 0
Throw `NullPointerException` for most operations that operate on reference types.
#154 opened by zero9178 - 1
Implement OpenJDK VM Startup
#120 opened by zero9178 - 0
Add nightly LLVM CI builder
#193 opened by zero9178 - 0
Implement `subroutine` operations
#129 opened by nemegyeb - 0
Implement `long` operations
#69 opened by nemegyeb - 0
Implement land, lor, lxor and lcmp
#139 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement `wide` operations
#128 opened by nemegyeb - 0
Implement long shifts
#131 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement l2d, l2f, l2i instructions
#133 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement `switch` instructions
#119 opened by zero9178 - 0
Implement operand stack operations
#80 opened by zero9178 - 0
Implement `checkcast`
#102 opened by zero9178 - 0
Implement array operations
#79 opened by zero9178 - 0
Implement `double` operations
#68 opened by nemegyeb - 1
Implement `athrow`
#54 opened by zero9178 - 0
- 0
- 0
Implement `if_acmpeq` and `if_acmpne`
#63 opened by nemegyeb - 0
Fix wrong assignment in codegen for `new`
#61 opened by nemegyeb - 0
Implement `instanceof`
#55 opened by zero9178 - 0
Implement integer comparisons
#53 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement int shift instructions
#51 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement irem instruction
#49 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement iand, ior, ineg, ixor instructions
#47 opened by ThomasMayerl - 1
- 0
Implement integer casting instructions
#41 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement sipush instruction
#42 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement ireturn instruction
#39 opened by ThomasMayerl - 1
Improve detection of basic blocks
#34 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement idiv instruction
#31 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement isub instruction
#27 opened by ThomasMayerl - 0
Implement imul instruction
#29 opened by ThomasMayerl