Hardware Donations Desktop App

Clone The Repository (Linux)

On Linux to clone the repository open the terminal and go to the directory where you wish to clone(download) it. Then typegit clone https://github.com/JLO64/Hardware-Donations-Desktop-App.git

Install Dependencies

First make sure that you have Python3 installed. On linux you can just type python3 into the terminal and it will show you what version you have of it installed.

Then install pip, on Debian based systems all you have to do is run sudo apt install python3-pip

Finally, run pip3 install -r requirements.txt in the terminal in the directory where Hardware-Donations.py is located

Generating An Executible File

In the directory as above run pyinstaller Hardware-Donations.py -F -p Python_Functions/

A new "dist" directory will be generated and the executible file will be there.

Install System-Wide (Linux)

Copy the executible file to the /usr/bin directory. You will need sudo privalages for this command. To run the program just type in Hardware-Donations in the terminal.