
My resume and certifications - feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you are interested in working together!

Justin Lowen

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Technical Skills | Projects | Experience | Certifications & Education

I am a software engineer, working in Javascript and React as well as Python and the Django Framework, but I am always eager to expand my technology stack. I write new React code with primarily functional components using React Hooks and the Context API, but I understand and can use or refactor class-based components that will be found in existing codebases. I use React Router for adding navigation to my React apps, and you can see an examples of this and my other React code in my public repos see Netflix clone. I like using compound components with CSS-in-JS using the styled-components library. I think this makes a more robust and reusable component library that can be shared across development teams.

I am used to working in large teams of at least 15-30 members, so I know how to collaborate. At Halliburton, we had a large team of engineers (~100 members) and were were always growing with new engineers. When I was not traveling for projects, I was busy developing the engineering and operations teams competency by leading technical classes in data analysis and software. This also involved 1-on-1 mentoring to ensure no one was left behind. Although training was not my primary function, I always found this as time well-spent (and enjoyable) as the better our teams performed, the less time and effort we spent struggling with problems down the line.

My experience as an Engineer and Project Manager give me a laser-sharp customer focus. At Halliburton, the customer was always seated directly behind the team as we analyzed real-time data streams. This meant that we always had real-time feedback if we were not meeting customer needs, and that developed an instinct for earning and keeping customer trust. One of our core values was to Listen First and Respond to customers to drive value for them (some readers may be familiar with the 80-20 rule of active listening).

My work experience also taught me the importance of balancing speed of results with accuracy. In an ideal world, we would be able to come up with the perfect algorith with minimum complexity for every project. The reality is that the customer cannot wait and may not even notice the perfect implementation. Likewise, we as developers need to be efficient with the resources we have to drive business value. Making these agile decisions has been a core part of my career as the value of business critical projects is only maximized when results are delivered in a timely fashion.

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Technical skills


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • React JS including React Router, Hooks (Built-in & Custom), Context API
  • Functional & Class Based JavaScript Components


  • REST
  • Python
  • Django Framework
  • SQL

Data Science:

  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib


  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Node Package Manager (NPM)
  • Virtual Environments
  • PIP

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Netflix Clone

Article | Live Demo | Repo
Recreates the Netflix landing page, login, and browse pages utilizing React which simplifies the architecture into reusable components. Reusable components are styled using the styled-components library (CSS in JavaScript) that further enhances the ease with which user interfaces can be built.

Pic Some E-Commerce

Article | Live Demo | Repo
A React based layout and design for an e-commerce shop selling photo prints. Uses modern React and Javascript to implement functional components with State and Context. This reduces the complexity of sharing state across te application and eliminates the need for state-based components.

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Halliburton - Senior Project Manager (2019-May 2020)

  • Debugged a production software calculation error in Spotfire visualization, correcting inconsistent project metrics that were presented to customer lead engineer and CEO.
  • Implemented bug fix overnight, pitched to analysis team and got approvals, and pushed code improvement immediately for this multi-million dollar cross-functional project
  • Coded a Spotfire visualization using a Python algorithm to project microseismic map points on an interpreted line that guided customer analysis and optimized their well asset value Led operations team providing project planning, scheduling, customer communication, and results delivery through microseismic and fiber optic data analysis and presentation

Halliburton - Senior Engineer (2012 - 2019)

  • Supervised onsite well operations for 15 member shifts on a 45 member team by monitoring real-time data streams and alerting crew to deviations from customer design plan and providing corrective actions resulting in lower operating costs and more efficient execution
  • Mentored and developed competency of junior engineers teaching necessary equipment, software, and chemistry skills - mentored 9 engineers directly with onsite training and taught classes for over 50 engineers in engineering software and design execution
  • Create Python scripting inside of Spotfire for fetching server data and populating continuous improvement visualizations
  • Collaborated with UX Team refining user stories and completing smoke testing as a subject matter expert (SME) for regulatory compliance reporting, reducing time for production release

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Algorithms and Data Structures - AlgoExpert (09/2020 - Present)

  • Solved 100 algorithm and data structure problems covering arrays, strings, linked lists, graphs, trees, recursion, and dynamic programming. Focus of course is understanding Big O complexity analysis and optimizing processing time and space usage.

Frontend Developer Career Path - Scrimba (07/2020 - 09/2020)

  • Over 250 hours of coursework covering modern JavaScript (ES6+) and React. Deployed personal portfolio with Django framework.

Python & Web Development Tracks - JetBrains Academy (05/2020 - 07/2020)

  • Over 300 hours of coursework covering Python and web development fundamentals.Topics covered included functional & OOP, common data structures & methods, and the Django framework


Bachelors of Science, Chemical Engineering
University of Pittsburgh, 2012


Intro | Technical Skills | Projects | Experience | Certifications & Education