
Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring. K. Zhang, W. Luo, Y. Zhong, L. Ma, W. Liu and H. Li. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2018

Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring

This is the code for our work. please refer to TIP2018 paper for details.[paper]

Given a stack of UN-ALIGNED input frames, our network generates a sharp central image.


The code will be released soon.


If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our work:

  title={Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring},
  author={Zhang, Kaihao and Luo, Wenhan and Zhong, Yiran and Ma, Lin and Liu, Wei and Li, Hongdong},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},