Frontend Course

Web and mobile development are some of the industries with some of the widest presence in the current job market. No matter your professional career, if you probe your knowledge on web development, is highly probable that you will get yourself a well-paid job. Web and mobile development is divided into two main different areas (there are many and more):

  • Frontend (what the user can see, like windows, buttons, texts, colors).
  • Backend (data handling in some server to send information to the user).

React.js and its mobile framework React Native are some of the most used libraries (and framework, for react native) for web and mobile development. It was developed by Facebook and over this library (and framework) are built some well known apps as:

  • Facebook.
  • Instagram.
  • Duolingo.
  • Airbnb.
  • Pinterest.
  • Discord.

Knowing and understanding this library (and framework) will take you closer to your job goals.


  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. TypeScript (introduction)
  5. Node.js
  6. APIs
  7. Asynchronus functions
  8. React Library
  9. React Key Concepts
  10. VS Code
  11. Postman
  12. Code styling with ESLint