git clone <your-fork-url>
cd vault
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd vault/src
- SQLi
- Port scanning : ACK, FIN, NULL, XMAS
- IP scanning : Ping Sweep, ARP
- SSL vulnerability scan
- OS scan
- Hash scanner : MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA512
- Information Gathering
- Clickjacking
- jQuery version checking
- Insecure cookie flags
- Testing HTTP methods
- Insecure headers
- Header/banner grabbing
- Finder
- Find comments in source code
- Find e-mails in source code
- Session fixation through cookie injection
- Brute force login through authorization headers
- URL Fuzzer
- WHOIS Lookup
- Google Dork
- Error handler checker
- Admin panel finder
- Open redirect vulnerability
- CMS Detection
- Detect Honeypots
- Detect DDoS attack
- Detect De-authentication attack
- Detect ARP spoof attack
- Crawl a website and collect all the links
- Crawl and scrape the website for images
- DDoS Attack
- ARP Spoofer
- DNS Spoofer
- De-authentication attack
- Network disassociation attack
- Ping of death
- MAC Flood attack
- Generate customized backdoor
- Data monitoring
- Keylogger
- SSH Tunelling
- Generate sitemap
- MAC address changer
- Trace route
usage: [-h] [-u URL] [-p PORT] [-sp START_PORT] [-ep END_PORT] [-ssl]
[-info] [-comment] [-email] [-fuzz] [-ip IP] [-t THREADS]
[-i INTERFACE] [-source_port SOURCE_PORT] [-fin] [-null]
[-ack] [-xmas] [-os_scan] [-xss] [-this] [-ping_sweep] [-arp]
[-ip_start_range IP_START_RANGE] [-ip_end_range IP_END_RANGE]
[-lfi] [-whois] [-o OUTPUT] [-d DORK] [-ddos] [-mac_flood]
[-interval INTERVAL] [-cr] [-cri] [-all] [-exclude EXCLUDE]
[-admin] [-orv] [-keylogger] [-host HOST] [-username USERNAME]
[-password PASSWORD] [-sender SENDER]
[-destination DESTINATION] [-arp_spoof] [-jquery]
[-ping_death] [-bruteforce] [-hash] [-md5] [-sha1] [-sha224]
[-sha256] [-sha512] [-dir DIR] [-detect_cms] [-change_mac]
[-mac MAC] [-honey] [-target_bssid TARGET_BSSID] [-deauth]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL URL for scanning
-p PORT, --port PORT Single port for scanning
-sp START_PORT, --start_port START_PORT
Start port for scanning
-ep END_PORT, --end_port END_PORT
End port for scanning
-ssl perform SSL scan
-info Gather information
-comment Finding comments
-email Finding emails
-fuzz Fuzzing URL
-ip IP, --ip IP IP address for port scanning
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to use
Networking Interface to use
-source_port SOURCE_PORT
Source port for sending packets
-fin Perform FIN Scan
-null Perform NULL Scan
-ack Perform TCP ACK Scan
-xmas Perform XMAS Scan
-os_scan Perform OS Scan
-xss Scan for XSS vulnerabilities
-this Only scan the given URL, do not crawl
-ping_sweep ICMP ECHO request
-arp ARP Scan
-ip_start_range IP_START_RANGE
Start range for scanning IP
-ip_end_range IP_END_RANGE
End range for scanning IP
-lfi Scan for LFI vulnerabilities
-whois perform a whois lookup of a given IP
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output all data
-d DORK, --dork DORK Perform google dorking
-ddos Perform DDoS attack
-mac_flood Perform MAC Flooding attack
-interval INTERVAL Interval time for sending packets
-cr For extracting links from a web page
-cri For extracting images from a Web page
-all Run all scans
-exclude EXCLUDE Scans to exclude
-admin Find admin panel on a given domain
-orv Test for open redirection Vulnerability
-keylogger Capture keystrokes and send them by email
-host HOST SMTP Host to use
-username USERNAME Username to login
-password PASSWORD Password to login
-sender SENDER Email to send from
-destination DESTINATION
Email to send to
-arp_spoof ARP Spoofing
-jquery Check jQuery version and get vulnerabilities
-ping_death Perform ping of death attack
-bruteforce Perform brute force attack through
-hash Start hash scan
-md5 Scan MD5
-sha1 Scan SHA1
-sha224 Scan SHA224
-sha256 Scan SHA256
-sha512 Scan SHA512
-dir DIR Directory to scan
-detect_cms Perform CMS Detection
-change_mac Chnage MAC address
-mac MAC New MAC address
-honey Detect honeypot
-target_bssid TARGET_BSSID
Target BSSID
-deauth De-authentication attack
Example Usage : python3 -u 'http://url' -info -comment -ssl -fuzz
Any and all contributions, issues, features and tips are welcome.
Please refer to
for more details.