
Repository for Project 7 from Openclassrooms cursus in Software Developement

Primary LanguagePython


Repository for Project 7 from Openclassrooms cursus in Software Developement

Project Description

This is a web application build with Flask to help user to find an address and learn more about the story of this location.


  • AJAX interactions : the user send his question by pressing enter key and the answer is directly printed on the screen, without reloading the webpage.
  • Use of Google Geocoding API, Google Map API and Media Wiki API.
  • Nothing is saved. If the user reloads the webpage, all the history is lost.

User Path

The user opens his browser and enter the specific URL address (Not available yet). The webpage which is loaded owns the following elements:

  • header : logo with tagline
  • main zone : zone for conversing with the application
  • footer : firsname and lastname, link with github repository and other social networks links.

Here is a typical interaction with the application:

  • The user writes "Hi GrandPy! Do you know where I can find the Openclassrooms address?" in the form field and press Enter key.
  • The message is visible in the chat zone with the older ones. An icon indicates that GrandPy is thinking.
  • The answer is appears: "Of course! Here is it: 7 cité Paradis, 75010 Paris." Below, there is a Google map with a flag showing the location.
  • GrandPy sends a new message: "Did I told you the story of this area? The cité Paradis is a public street located in the XXe arrondissement of Paris. It looks like a T (the letter).

App Structure

|-- .gitignore
|-- README.md
|-- config.py.dist
|-- requirements.txt
|-- run.py
|-- botapp/
    |-- __init__.py
    |-- app.py
    |-- forms.py
    |-- views.py
    |-- static/
        |-- css/
            |-- main.css
            |-- main.css.map
        |-- sass/
            |-- main.scss
            |-- base/
                |-- _base.scss
            |-- layout/
                |-- _chat.scss
                |-- _grid.scss
                |-- _header.scss
                |-- _info.scss
            |-- modules/
                |-- _mixins.scss
                |-- _variables.scss
        |-- js/
            |-- custom.js
        |-- img/
            |-- avatar.png
    |-- templates/
        |-- base.html
        |-- index.html
    |-- utils/
        |-- geocoding.py
        |-- mediawiki.py
        |-- message_parse.py
        |-- response.py
        |-- stop_words.py
|-- tests/
    |-- utils/
        |-- test_geocoding.py
        |-- test_mediawiki.py
        |-- test_message_parse.py
        |-- test_response.py

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/JN-Lab/OC-Pr7-GrandPyBot.git

When your are in your directory (root):

  1. Modify your config file:

    • Change the name file config.py.dist into config.py
    • Set-up your secret key -> SECRET_KEY
    • Set-up your Google API Key -> GOOGLE_API_KEY
  2. Set-up your virtual environnement:

python3 -m venv env
  1. Activate your virtual environment:
source env/bin/activate
  1. Install all necessary frameworks and libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Initiate FLASK_APP, your local session variable:
export FLASK_APP=run.py
  1. Run flask in local:
flask run
  1. You go on your favorite browser and copy-paste this url:

Running the tests

To run the unit tests and get all the informations (in the root directory):

python3 -m pytest -v