
MockNeat is a Java 8+ library that facilitates the generation of arbitrary data for your applications.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Mockneat Build Status codecov is an arbitrary data-generator open-source library written in Java.

It provides a simple but powerful (fluent) API that enables developers to create json, xml, csv and sql data programatically.

It can also act as a powerful Random substitute or a mocking library.

Official Documentation: www.mockneat.com

Official Tutorial: www.mockneat.com

Example - A random dice roll

List<String> somePeople = names().full().list(10).get();

fmt("#{person} rolled: #{roll1} #{roll2}")
            .param("person", seq(somePeople))
            .param("roll1", ints().rangeClosed(1, 6))
            .param("roll2", ints().rangeClosed(1, 6))
            .accumulate(10, "\n")

System.out.println("\nWho wins ?\n");

(possible) Output:

Sal Clouden rolled: 3 3
Cinthia Myrum rolled: 1 5
Wyatt Imber rolled: 5 1
Fidel Quist rolled: 2 2
Brandon Scrape rolled: 6 4
Arlene Cesare rolled: 6 4
Brandie Sumsion rolled: 3 4
Norris Tunby rolled: 3 5
Kareem Willoughby rolled: 1 5
Zoraida Finnerty rolled: 1 6

Who wins ?

Example - A simple CSV

System.out.println("First Name, Last Name, Email, Site, IP, Credit Card, Date");

  .column(ipv4s().types(CLASS_B, CLASS_C_NONPRIVATE))
  .column(creditCards().types(AMERICAN_EXPRESS, VISA_16))
  .separator(" ; ")
  .accumulate(25, "\n")

(possible) Output:

Lorrie ; Urquilla ; slycriselda@mockneat.com ; http://www.sugaredherlinda.com ; ; 4991053014393849 ; 2019-05-25
Tabitha ; Copsey ; headsoutdanced@mockneat.com ; http://www.arightcarnify.io ; ; 4143903215740668 ; 2019-07-13
Laurine ; Patrylak ; doggonetews@mockneat.com ; http://www.ninthbanc.gov ; ; 4450754596171263 ; 2019-09-10
Starla ; Peiper ; typicsteres@mockneat.com ; http://www.eathlessen.edu ; ; 4470988734574428 ; 2019-02-18
Lakiesha ; Zevenbergen ; stalegaye@mockneat.com ; http://www.unbendingeyes.edu ; ; 4040555724781858 ; 2019-11-12

... and so on