Manage netbox configuration with automation. Netbox as a the source of truth: generate an ansible inventory file from Netbox with automation, generate yaml files for ansible playbooks or jinja templates from Netbox with automation
- andrewmgeeVancouver, BC
- andyway
- aspath1
- benleyBoston, MA
- brownejVirginia Tech
- Citizen2028Powered By Citizen
- dcarastan@dcarastan
- ddibenedetto
- egooner
- etdijBali, Indonesia
- FlorianHeiglGermany
- gcraeye
- givanandrian
- j-tb
- jcoederEncore Technologies
- kellenzhuShanghai
- lboueFrance
- leolukGermany
- michaelmcdonaldFacility for Rare Isotope Beams
- mirzawaqasahmed
- msklv
- mvandermeulenFivenynes
- NetBoxSupport
- pnpwinMosciw, Russia
- sazzouz
- synliao
- tkspukCN
- VoidedMuse
- wmturner
- XioNoX@wikimedia
- yuyunChuCanada
- zombahEarth