⚠️ Please, Never Use This SSH Server ⚠️


Congratulations on finding this gem of a project! If you're reading this, you're either extremely desperate or accidentally stumbled upon this repository while trying to find something actually useful. Either way, welcome! But let's get one thing straight from the start: Please, Never Use This.

What is This Even?

This repository houses a collection of code that was probably written during a late-night coding session fueled by excessive caffeine and procrastination. It's a mix of spaghetti code, duct-tape solutions, and questionable design choices that would make any seasoned developer cringe. Seriously, I've set new standards for bad coding practices here.

But Why Shouldn't I Use It?

It's an SSH Server Implementation by someone who used Go for the first time. Please, use your brain.

So, What's the Point?

Honestly, I'm not sure.


Please, for the love of all that is holy, do not contribute to this repository. I'm trying to bury it deep in the darkest corners of the internet where no one will ever find it. If you have the urge to contribute, go volunteer at a local animal shelter instead. It'll be a much better use of your time.

Oh Yeah

This is a WIP project. I'm just trying to learn Go here.