
Springboard 35.1: Node and PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Instructions for running the routes:

You'll need to download the packages in the directory: npm i

And then make sure you create the PostGres databases for both biztime and biztime_test

Once you have the databases, you can populate them with psql < data.sql

And then use a tool like Postman to test the different routes.

  • You can run the tests on the different routes with jest companies, jest invoices

Exercise Instructions

Step 0: Setup

  • Create a project folder, a Git repo, and a package.json
  • Install express and pg via NPM
  • Add node_modules to .gitignore

Step 1: Add a Database

  • Create a database, biztime
  • Load the initial data from data.sql
  • Fix db.js so that it connects to the database and exports the client object.
  • Familiarize yourself with the data model.

Step 2: Add Company Routes

  • Create routes/companies.js with a router in it.

  • All routes in this file should be found under companies/.

  • All routes here will respond with JSON responses. These responses will be in an object format where the value is the data from the database.

  • So, for example, the “get list of companies should return”:

{companies: [{code, name}, ...]}

Assuming result is the result from your query, you could produce this with a line like:

return res.json({companies: result.rows})

These routes need to be given data in JSON format, not the standard “url-encoded form body” — so you’ll need to make sure that your app.js includes the middleware to parse JSON.

Routes Needed

  • GET /companies Returns list of companies, like:
{companies: [{code, name}, ...]}
  • GET /companies/[code] Return obj of company:
{company: {code, name, description}}

If the company given cannot be found, this should return a 404 status response.

  • POST /companies Adds a company.

Needs to be given JSON like:

{code, name, description}

Returns obj of new company:

{company: {code, name, description}}
  • PUT /companies/[code] Edit existing company.

Should return 404 if company cannot be found.

Needs to be given JSON like:

{name, description}

Returns update company object:

{company: {code, name, description}}
  • DELETE /companies/[code] Deletes company.

Should return 404 if company cannot be found.


{status: "deleted"}

Step 3: Add Invoices

Add routes/invoices.js. All routes in this file should be prefixed by /invoices.

  • GET /invoices Return info on invoices: like
{invoices: [{id, comp_code}, ...]}
  • GET /invoices/[id] Returns obj on given invoice.

If invoice cannot be found, returns 404.


{invoice: {id, amt, paid, add_date, paid_date, company: {code, name, description}}}
  • POST /invoices Adds an invoice.

Needs to be passed in JSON body of:

{comp_code, amt}


{invoice: {id, comp_code, amt, paid, add_date, paid_date}}
  • PUT /invoices/[id] Updates an invoice.

If invoice cannot be found, returns a 404.

Needs to be passed in a JSON body of



{invoice: {id, comp_code, amt, paid, add_date, paid_date}}
  • DELETE /invoices/[id] Deletes an invoice.

If invoice cannot be found, returns a 404.


{status: "deleted"}

Also, one route from the previous part should be updated:

  • GET /companies/[code] Return obj of company:
{company: {code, name, description, invoices: [id, ...]}}

If the company given cannot be found, this should return a 404 status response.

Further Study

Write some tests!

Make sure that your routes are tested, use jest –coverage to see how well you have tested your routes.

Slugify Company Names

It might be difficult for customers to make up a customer code themselves when making new companies (preferably, they should have no spaces or weird punctuation, and should be all lower-case).

Fortunately, there’s an NPM library that can help out, slugify. Read about this, and then change the POST /companies route so that they don’t provide a code directly, but you make this by using slugify() on the given name.

Allow paying of invoices

Change the logic of this route:

  • PUT /invoices/[id] Updates an invoice.

If invoice cannot be found, returns a 404.

Needs to be passed in a JSON body of

{amt, paid}
  • If paying unpaid invoice: sets paid_date to today
  • If un-paying: sets paid_date to null
  • Else: keep current paid_date


{invoice: {id, comp_code, amt, paid, add_date, paid_date}}

Add a Many-to-Many

A larger feature.

Add a table for “industries”, where there is a code and an industry field (for example: “acct” and “Accounting”).

Add a table that allows an industry to be connected to several companies and to have a company belong to several industries.

Add some sample data (by hand in psql is fine).

Change this route:

  • GET /companies/:code

when viewing details for a company, you can see the names of the industries for that company

Add routes for:

  • adding an industry
  • listing all industries, which should show the company code(s) for that industry
  • associating an industry to a company