
Springboard Ex. 32.2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

To check this exercise:

This exercise uses Node and Supertest.

  1. Start the app with nodemon server.js
  2. Open POSTMAN and try GET: http://localhost:3000/items to see all items
  3. Try POST: http://localhost:3000/items and type in a JSON response that looks like {"name": nameString, "price": priceInt} to add the item to the items list
  4. Try PATCH: http://localhost:3000/items/ITEMNAME and type in a JSON response that looks like {"price": newPriceInt} to update the item's price
  5. Try DELETE: http://localhost:3000/items/ITEMNAME to delete the item

To run the tests file, type jest app in the terminal.

Express Shopping List

For this exercise we will be building a simple JSON API application where we will store a shopping list. You should use an array to store your items in the shopping list.

Each item should be a JavaScript object with the keys of name, and price.

Remember that since you are using an array for storage, this will be cleared each time the server restarts. Create a simple file called fakeDb.js which contains the following:

global.items = []
module.exports = items

Use this list of items in your routes and test files.

Your application should have the following routes:

  • GET /items - this should render a list of shopping items. Here is what a response looks like:
[{“name”: “popsicle”, “price”: 1.45}, {“name”:”cheerios”, “price”: 3.40}]
  • POST /items - this route should accept JSON data and add it to the shopping list. Here is what a sample request/response looks like:
{“name”:”popsicle”, “price”: 1.45} => {“added”: {“name”: “popsicle”, “price”: 1.45}}
  • /items/:name - this route should display a single item’s name and price. Here is what a sample response looks like:
{“name”: “popsicle”, “price”: 1.45}
  • PATCH /items/:name, this route should modify a single item’s name and/or price. Here is what a sample request/response looks like:
{“name”:”new popsicle”, “price”: 2.45} => {“updated”: {“name”: “new popsicle”, “price”: 2.45}}
  • DELETE /items/:name - this route should allow you to delete a specific item from the array. Here is what a sample response looks like:
{message: “Deleted”}

Please make use of the Express Router.