
A bot for executing arbitrage trades using flash swaps on the avalanche C-chain. Has the option to log successful arbitrage trades on Telegram.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GingerBread 🍪

A bot for executing arbitrage trades using flash swaps on the avalanche C-chain. Has the option to log succesful arbitrage trades on Telegram.

How to Prepare 🥘

  • clone this reposity:
git clone https://github.com/Joshua-Oladeji/GingerBread.git
  • run npm install from the root directory to install dependencies

  • fill the .env.example file with the appropriate data and rename the file to .env

    • PRIVATE_KEY: private key of the contract deployer address (metamask)
    • GANACHE_PRIVATE_KEY private key of the deployer address from Ganache
    • GANACHE_ADDR1_PRIVATE_KEY private key of another address from Ganache. This is only needed if you want to run the unit tests.
    • C_CHAIN_NODE: a link that connects you to an avalanche C-chain node. you can get a 'speedy-node' from moralis.io
    • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: an authorization token from Telegram's Bot father. it's pretty easy to get one
    • SERVER_URL: base url of your server. it's for configuring a webhook for your telegram bot. if you're running on localhost, you will need to expose your server via a public url. check out ngrok
    • FLASH_SWAP_ADDRESS: contract address of the bot you'll deploy
  • compile the contract using the following command:

npx hardhat compile
  • deploy the contract to your preferred network. available networks can be found in hardhat.config.js. default network is Ganache, so make sure to spin up a local blockchain using ganache before running this command.
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <network-name>
  • run the server.js file, relax and wait to be served.

Methods ⚡

you might want to know the purpose of each method if you want to tweak some things in the recipe.

constructor(token0, token1) 🔥

  • a new GingerBread is initialized with 2 parametes which represents the tokens that constitute a pair.
  • each parameter is an object containing the 'symbol', 'address' and 'volume' keys.... like so:
  symbol: 'WAVAX', 
  address: '0xB31f66AA3C1e785363F0875A1B74E27b85FD66c7', 
  volume: 1000 
  • volume represents the amount of a particular tokens to be borrowed during the arbitrage.

bake() 👩‍🍳

  • this method runs the bot by listening to every new block and executing arbitrage opportunities if they exist.

taste() 🍰

  • logs the prices of the tokens on the pangolin and traderjoe DEXes.
  • logs the potential profit/loss realized if an arbitrage is attempted based on the current tokens prices. Screenshot (248)

serve() 🍽

  • adds listeners for all events on the FlashSwapper contract. info from every event is then emitted to be logged to telegram.


  • returns the balance of AVAX remaining (gas fees) in the FlashSwapper contract.

Written originally as a submission for @cryptofishx bounty.