This repository includes some demonstration Node based application that uses Jest for the unit testing & technologies such as Express & Knex. You should see a working example here
- Install Node
- Install Docker
- Install VSCode
- Install the font family called 'Fira Code'
- Install the icon theme called 'VSCode-icons'
- Install the extension called 'Bracket Pair Colorizer 2'
- Install the extension called 'Code Spell Checker'
- Install the extension called 'Find Related Files'
- Install the extension called 'GitLens — Git supercharged'
- Install the extension called 'Indent Rainbow'
- Install the extension called 'Path Intellisense'
- Install the extension called 'Sonar Lint'
- Install the extension called 'Jest Snippets'
- Install the extension called 'NPM Intellisense'
- Install the extension called 'Prettier — Code formatter'
- Install the extension called 'Version Lens'
- Install 'Windows Terminal' from the MS store.
- Install Postman
- Install Chocolatey
In order to run the application you simply need to run the following command(s):
$ npm run-script local:setup
$ npm run-script start
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/users?page=:page | GET | Return a page of users. The page arg is optional. |
/users | POST | Create a new user. |
/users | PUT | Update an existing user. |
/users/:id | GET | Return a specific user. |
/users/:id | PUT | Update an existing user. |
/users/:id | DELETE | Delete an existing user. |
In order to run the application with Docker, you'll need to run the following command(s):
$ docker build -t node-demo .
$ docker run -p 80:3000 node-demo
In order to run the database migrations, you'll need to run the following command(s):
$ npx knex migrate:latest
$ npx knex seed:run
$ npx knex migrate:latest --env test
$ npx knex seed:run --env test
Alternatively you can just run this command:
$ npm run-script local:setup
In order to urn the unit tests, you'll need to run the following command:
$ npm run-script test
If you would like some debugging information, you can also run:
$ npm run-script test:debug
In order to run some security scans, you'll need to use Snyk. This means at some point you'll want to provide credentials, via the use of the following command:
$ npx snyk auth
You can then scan the dependencies for vulnerabilities via the following command:
$ npx snyk test
Through the use of tools such as Synk, ESLint, SonarLint, etc. You can run some quality checks locally, to do so run the following script:
$ npm run quality
- Use a number of monitoring technologies, i.e. AppSensor.
- etc.