
A simple validation form built using tailwind and add validation with yup and React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend development task

Build the form illustrated in the repository using tailwind or boostrap 4 and add validation with a JavaScript framework React. Please follow all the instructions.

Guidelines and standards



  1. Fork the repository into your Github account and clone the new repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Build your form

Development setup

Use Bootstcrap or Tailwind, Cypress CI for end-to-end testing and a JavaScrip framework React for validation. Please install the chosen frameworks via npm.

React -> Must use React Hooks Components Install and set up Cypress CI

  • Build your form with validation and error messages. Ensure the form is responsive, mobile first approach. (If time let you)
  • Old password -> required
  • New password -> required, min of 8 characters and a mixture of numbers and letters

NOTE: Please use atomic commits

4- Create a Pull Request Once finished, add/commit your work and push your branch to Github, create a Pull Request and assign me [ronsandova][https://github.com/ronsandova) as the Reviewer.
