A command line cross platform File/Folder encryptor written in c++ and based on Crypto++ library
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-have g++ and libcrypto++(crypto++) preinstalled and configured-Run Make.bat
else (if you are having issues with g++ and libcrypto++)
-run make_path.bat, this will create a directory c:\Zenc
-Copy exe from release folder to c:\Zenc and use it.
Clone the repository and open a terminal in the root and use:
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install libcryptopp++
g++ src/Zenc.cpp -std=c++17 -lstdc++fs -lcrypto++ -o /usr/bin/Zenc
NOTE: optional - upx the executable (-9 --lzma) (slight boost in performance)
1. AES-GCM with 2k tables2. AES-GCM with 64k tables
9. ChaCha20 (stream cipher)
10. XChaCha20 (stream cipher)
Zenc [-h or -H/-e/-ed/-d/-dd] [FILE PATH] -m [mode] [-p/-np] [Password in case of using -p] [-t -g]
-h or -H Help Menu
-e Encrypt a file
-ed Encrypt a directory
-d Decrypt a file
-dd Decrypt a directory
-m Mode of Encryption / Decryption (gcm2k,gcm64k,eax,cbc,ecb,ctr,cfb,ofb)
-p Password provided by the user (no limit in length or characters)
-np Either a .zkey file is created or if -g is mentioned then a password is created
-t Will encrypt/decrypt the titles and the extention
-g Will generate a password of the length specified by the user
1. To delete files run it on an elevated terminal else Permission Denied error will occur.
2. Time taken to do the operation will be displayed in microseconds in the end.
1. To open the help book:
Zenc -h
Zenc -H
2. To Encrypt a file:
Zenc -e C:\test\test.txt -m gcm2k -p Password123 -t (encrypt with a passwprd)
Zenc -e C:\test\test.txt -m gcm2k -p C:\test\test.zkey -t (encrypt with a keyfile)
Zenc -e C:\test\test.txt -m gcm2k -np -t (generate a keyfile)
Zenc -e C:\test\test.txt -m gcm2k -np -t -g (generate a password)
3. To Encrypt a Directory :
Zenc -ed C:\test\ -m gcm2k -p Password123 - t (encrypt with a passwprd)
Zenc -ed C:\test\ -m gcm2k -p C:\test\test.zkey -t (encrypt with a keyfile)
Zenc -ed C:\test\ -m gcm2k -np -t (generate a keyfile)
Zenc -ed C:\test\ -m gcm2k -np -t -g (generate a password)
4. To Decrypt a file:
Zenc -d C:\test\test.txt -m gcm2k -p Password123 -t (decrypt with a passwprd)
Zenc -d C:\test\test.txt -m gcm2k -p C:\test\test.zkey -t (decrypt with a keyfile)
5. To Decrypt a Directory :
Zenc -dd C:\test\ -m gcm2k -p Password123 -t (decrypt with a passwprd)
Zenc -dd C:\test\ -m gcm2k -p C:\test\test.zkey -t (decrypt with a keyfile)
NOTE: change Zenc according to your environment.