
Deployment practice

Primary LanguagePython

Bucket List API(Heroku deployment)

The api enables you to create/ register a user within the application.

  • Checkout my Post on how to deploy this application to Heroku

  • I wrote up a post on medium of how I developed this API, you can find it here


Starting the application

In order to run the application set the environment variable below.

set FLASK_APP=run.py

export FLASK_APP=run.py

Then run the command below to start the application.

flask run

API Documentation

The api documentation is hosted as the homepage of the application.

Running tests

Before running the application tests, update your env variables

export  APP_SETTINGS=app.config.TestingConfig
export DATABASE_URL_TEST=<postgres database url>

Running tests without coverage

You can now run the tests from the terminal

python manage.py test

Running tests with coverage

You can also run tests with coverage by running this command in the terminal

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=app