⚠️ ⚠️ This has been depreciated and is no longer developed: Check out https://github.com/travisghansen/hass-pfsense which is excatly what I always wanted - Shoutout to the great work by travisghansen!
A custom component for Home Assistant that interfaces with FauxAPI installed on a pfSense firewall.
Attention: This isn't in any way intended to be an official or supported release, it is intended mainly for my own personal use. Continue at your own risk.
If anyone with a better understanding of Python would like to help improve this, that would be cool.
I owe credit mainly to the incredibly intellegent folks in this Home Assistant community post: pfSense stat monitor
and @dgshue for the pfSense Rule Switch Component
- A device with pfSense installed - tested with v2.5 CE
- Web access should be configured with ssl/https encryption and a certificate
- FauxAPI installed on your pfSense instance, configured with an API key and access token - tested using the latest version as of 3/7/21
- Home Assistant - tested with core version 2021.3.3 on Home Assistant OS 5.12
- The ability to run Python3 commands in your Home Assistant environmet - see #8
- Patience and understanding
- Open HACS
- Select "Frontend"
- Select the ... menu button at the top right
- Select "Custom repositories"
- At the bottom left of the menu where it says "Add custom repository URL" add this repository: https://github.com/JOHLC/pfSense-FauxAPI-ha
- Select the "Integration" category
- Select "ADD"
- Close this menu
- This should now show up as a new repository
- Click "INSTALL" then install again on the pop-up
- Restart Home Assistant
- Download the files in custom components folder
- Upload the downloadeded files to your custom components directory
- Restart Home Assistant
Important: You need to change a few things below with your setup information
# Example secrets.yaml entries - you will need to change your host IP, apikey, and accesstoken in each command below
pf_api_restart: "python3 /config/custom_components/pfsense_fauxapi/function-reboot.py PFFAyourapikey youraccesstoken"
pf_api_command: "python3 /config/custom_components/pfsense_fauxapi/function-iterate.py PFFAyourapikey youraccesstoken"
# Note: In order to fetch wan information you may need to do at least the following:
# - Add `interface_*` to the `permit` line in `/etc/fauxapi/credentials.ini` in your pfSense instance
# - Change the interface name in `config/custom_components/pfsense_fauxapi/function-iterate.py` if your pfSense wan interface is not `igb0` #e.g. interface = 'igb1'
pf_key: PFFAyourpfsensekey
pf_token: yourpfsensetoken
For more information on rule switches, see the creator's repo
# Example configuration.yaml entries
- platform: pfsense_fauxapi
api_key: !secret pf_key
access_token: !secret pf_token
rule_filter: ha
# Example configuration.yaml entries
pfsense_restart: !secret pf_api_restart
Note: You will need to change your.gw.ip.address under WAN section below to the IP address of your upstream gateway.
# Example configuration.yaml entry
# FauxAPI #
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense version
value_template: '{{ value_json["info"]["data"]["info"]["pfsense_remote_version"]["installed_version"] }}'
scan_interval: 43200
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense latest
value_template: '{{ value_json["info"]["data"]["info"]["pfsense_remote_version"]["version"] }}'
scan_interval: 43200
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense CPU temp
value_template: '{{ value_json["stat"]["data"]["stats"]["temp"] }}'
unit_of_measurement : '°C'
scan_interval: 60
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense uptime
value_template: '{{ value_json["stat"]["data"]["stats"]["uptime"] | regex_replace(find=" days ",replace=":",ignorecase=True) | regex_replace(find=" day ",replace=":",ignorecase=True) | regex_replace(find=" hours ",replace=":",ignorecase=True) | regex_replace(find=" hour ",replace=":",ignorecase=True)| regex_replace(find=" Minutes ",replace=":",ignorecase=True) | regex_replace(find=" Minute ",replace=":",ignorecase=True) | regex_replace(find=" Seconds",replace="",ignorecase=True) | regex_replace(find=" Second",replace="",ignorecase=True) }}'
scan_interval: 300
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense memory use
value_template: '{{ value_json["stat"]["data"]["stats"]["mem"] }}'
unit_of_measurement : '%'
scan_interval: 30
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense CPU load avg
value_template: '{{ ((value_json["stat"]["data"]["stats"]["load_average"][0] | float) * 100.0 / 2.0 ) | round(0) }}'
unit_of_measurement : '%'
scan_interval: 30
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense CPU usage
value_template: '{{ ( ( ((value_json["stat"]["data"]["stats"]["cpu"].split("|")[0] | float) / (value_json["stat"]["data"]["stats"]["cpu"].split("|")[1] | float)) - 1.0 ) * 100.0 ) | round(1) }}'
unit_of_measurement : '%'
scan_interval: 30
###WAN stats - change your.gw.ip.address to the correct IP address
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense WAN IP
value_template: '{{ value_json["gw_status"]["data"]["gateway_status"]["your.gw.ip.address"]["srcip"] }}'
scan_interval: 300
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense WAN packetloss
value_template: '{{ (value_json["gw_status"]["data"]["gateway_status"]["your.gw.ip.address"]["loss"]) | regex_replace(find="%",replace="",ignorecase=True) }}'
unit_of_measurement: "%"
scan_interval: 30
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense WAN status
value_template: '{{ (value_json["gw_status"]["data"]["gateway_status"]["your.gw.ip.address"]["status"]) }}'
scan_interval: 30
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense WAN latency
value_template: '{{ (value_json["gw_status"]["data"]["gateway_status"]["your.gw.ip.address"]["delay"]) | regex_replace(find="ms",replace="",ignorecase=True) }}'
unit_of_measurement: "ms"
scan_interval: 60
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense WAN GB in
value_template: '{{ (value_json["int_status"]["data"]["stats"]["inbytes"] | float / 1000 / 1000 / 1000) | round(2)}}'
scan_interval: 60
unit_of_measurement: GB
- platform: command_line
command: !secret pf_api_command
name: pfSense WAN GB out
value_template: '{{ (value_json["int_status"]["data"]["stats"]["outbytes"] | float / 1000 / 1000 / 1000) | round(2)}}'
scan_interval: 60
unit_of_measurement: GB