
LVGL port for STM32 Bluepill + ili9163 TFT display

Primary LanguageC

LVGL port for STM32 Bluepill + ili9163 TFT display

This project implements a basic port of LVGL for STM32 Bluepill + ili9163 TFT display


The idea behind this project is allow user to undestand the basics of LVGL

Graphical interface

There's just a simple widget (ARC) that moves based on a potentiometer value.



To build this project you need:

  • A PC host runing GNU/Linux
  • Toolchain arm-none-gnueabi-gcc for arm cortex M microcontrollers
  • Make tool to use Makefile
  • Library LVGL (up to 7.0)
  • OpenOCD tool for build/debug firmware
  • STM32CubeMX to change peripheral


To run this project you need

  • Devboard STM32f103c8t6 - BluePill
  • Display TFT 128x160 ILI9163
  • Potentiometer - 10kohms