Simple (and not-so-simple) CFD solvers written in Fortran with Python plotting routines
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remove stray debug code from ccaps advance_module
#135 opened by JOThurgood - 0
Maths in wiki has stopped rendering properly
#133 opened by JOThurgood - 2
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CCAPS - double check the gravitational dt
#110 opened by JOThurgood - 1
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CCAPS - make all loops column-major
#71 opened by JOThurgood - 0
CCAPS (all): Refactor so that each problem setup/diagnostic can be self contained in own module
#132 opened by JOThurgood - 1
CCAPS_atm_const - possible correction bug
#104 opened by JOThurgood - 5
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CCAPS variants : update the welcome message to indicate which flavour of code used
#113 opened by JOThurgood - 2
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CCAPS_vardens - incorporate new bc and problems
#122 opened by JOThurgood - 1
CCAPS - test "slip" bc and roll out to all vars
#116 opened by JOThurgood - 8
CCAPS - No Slip + Grav issue
#101 opened by JOThurgood - 1
advection + burgers - bug if xmin neq 0?
#19 opened by JOThurgood - 17
CCAPS (all flavours) - RTI bug (and avoid hard-coding of fixed eta for MG boundary)
#106 opened by JOThurgood - 1
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MG / CCAPS - see if OpenMP is worthwhile
#97 opened by JOThurgood - 1
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MG - test3 - is it okay?
#95 opened by JOThurgood - 1
CCAPS - remove (redundant) warning messages that MG is hardcoded to periodic
#109 opened by JOThurgood - 1
CCAPS (all flavours) - add reporting of MG boundary conditions to setup_report
#107 opened by JOThurgood - 4
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CCAPS : noslip + grav issue
#67 opened by JOThurgood - 0
MG - generalise Poission to general elliptic
#77 opened by JOThurgood - 0
MG - extend to full V cycle
#78 opened by JOThurgood - 1
MG - handle the different levels / grids as a linked list of a derived type of grids
#79 opened by JOThurgood - 0
Transfer notes on each solver to a wiki
#8 opened by JOThurgood - 0
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Double check that you havent missed any 1/rho type factors any where in the algorithm
#57 opened by JOThurgood - 0
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CCAPS - avoid overspecification of boundaries
#52 opened by JOThurgood - 1
enforce a column width of 72
#17 opened by JOThurgood - 2
make relaxation step in CCAPS more modular
#36 opened by JOThurgood - 0
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Refactor all -> remove pyplot-fortran in favour of directly calling own scripts
#7 opened by JOThurgood