#Examples, codes and patche developed for the NODE2015 IoT Workshop.
http://node15.vvvv.org/program/workshop/connecting-things-internet-things http://node15.vvvv.org
Find the git repo here: https://github.com/JOxBERGER/IoT-Intro
- arduino_yun: code arduino yun www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/ArduinoYun
- slides explaning the basics of mqtt. See also http://mqtt.org/
- spark_core: code for the spark core www.spark.io
- VVVV-MQTT: mqtt plugins for vvvv https://github.com/JOxBERGER/VVVV-MQTT
- web: Demo Website using the Phao Javascript Mqtt Library http://eclipse.org/paho/clients/js/