
Example project running QUnit tests in Node.js and Headless Chrome. (Integrated with Travis CI)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Code coverage

Run QUnit in Node.js and Chrome! (using Travis CI)

This project is an example of how to approach continuous integration by running QUnit tests inside a headless browser (Chrome) and/or inside Node.js.

Get started

Clone or fork this repository and be sure to run the following two commands to install the dependencies and start the first test run:

npm install
npm test

Tell me more

Travis CI provides cloud-based Continuous integration for open source projects on GitHub. After you enable it, Travis CI will automatically run the tests and report back whenever you git push, or submit a pull-request.

This boilerplate repository has Travis enabled (view build history).

Just get into it, have a look at it all, you'll get the hang of it, it's easy! If you've got any problems, feel free to ask on Twitter or file an issue.

By default, Travis-CI will execute the npm test command, which in this example repository runs grunt test and node test/node-index.js. The Gruntfile takes care of running ESLint and running the QUnit tests in Headless Chrome. The second script runs the unit tests in Node.js (without a browser environment).

Depending on the kind of project you have you may want to keep only one of these.

If your application only runs in a browser:

  • Remove test/node-test.js
  • Remove the qunit test/node-index.js command from scripts.test in package.json

If your app is written specifically for Node.js only, then:

  • Remove karma.conf.js
  • Remove the karma-debug run script from package.json
  • Remove karma and karma-* from the devDependencies in package.json