
Aggregate of Akka, Play, Scalaz, ScalaCheck, ScalaTest, Spray libraries

Primary LanguageScala

IMCE Third-Party Other Scala Libraries

This project builds an aggregate of selected Scala-related libraries published by several organizations:

  • org.scalaz An extension of the core Scala library for functional programming.

  • com.typesafe Typesafe's Configuration library for JVM languages.

  • org.scalacheck Property-based testing for Scala.

  • org.scalatest Flexible & productive testing for the Scala ecosystem.

  • org.specs2 Software specifications for Scala.

  • org.parboiled Elegant parsing in Java & Scala.

  • com.typesafe.akka Toolkit & runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed & resilient message-driven applications on the JVM.

  • io.spray Elegant, high-performance HTTP for Akka actors.

  • com.typesafe.play High velocity web framework forJava & Scala

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    resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("jpl-imce", "gov.nasa.jpl.imce"),

    libraryDependencies += 
      "gov.nasa.jpl.imce" %% "imce.third_party.other_scala_libraries" % "<version>"
        Artifact("imce.third_party.other_scala_libraries", "zip", "zip", Some("resource"), Seq(), None, Map())

Notes about SBT

As of SBT 0.13.16, there is an incompatibility with Coursier 1.0.0-RC10. Specifically, sbt.ConfigurationReport.details is empty.

To see the difference, add projects/coursier.sbt with:

// https://github.com/coursier/coursier
addSbtPlugin("io.get-coursier" % "sbt-coursier" % "1.0.0-RC10")

With this file, universal:mappings will fail because sbt.ConfigurationReport.details is empty. Without this file, universal:mappings works as intended.