
Isar Database Documentation

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Let's Get Started!
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๐Ÿ’™ Made for Flutter
Minimal setup, Easy to use, no config, no boilerplate. Just add a few lines of code to get started.
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๐Ÿš€ Highly scalable
Store hundreds of thousands of records in a single database and query them efficiently and asynchronously.
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๐Ÿญ Feature rich
Isar has a rich set of features to help you manage your data. Composite & multi-entry indexes, query modifiers, JSON support and more.
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๐Ÿ”Ž Full-text search
Isar has built in full-text search. Create a multi-entry index and search for records easily.
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๐Ÿงช ACID semantics
Isar ACID compliant and transactions are handled automatically and all changes are rolled back if an error occurs.
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๐Ÿ’ƒ Static typing
The unique query syntax is very powerful and statically typed. No need to worry about runtime errors.
Apache Licensed | Copyright ยฉ 2022 Simon Leier