Certificate in IT at Brazilian Federal Institute of Education. Undergraduate computer science student at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, @ufrgs.
@thoughtworks, @ufrgsPorto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
JPedroSilveira's Followers
- alinehaDell Technologies
- ana-pagnoncelliNubank
- antonioazambujaPagseguro
- arturrossi@cliniahealth
- bbeneduzibMobiltracker
- CarusoVitorPorto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- cbbathagliniUFRGS
- DiegoPazzini
- edufantiniPorto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
- elizedelabrida@arctouch
- fireAi-CloudfireAi One
- gabrielferrazduque
- Gladhrien
- HenriqueCarniel
- IsisAlbuquerqueSão Paulo
- jhlmarques
- kamillekpPorto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
- kerszamaralPorto Alegre - RS, Brazil
- LeoHernandes
- LimaXIIPorto Alegre, Brazil
- luizgustavocostabanco BV
- m-scheinSAP Labs LA
- matheusalsi@petcomputacaoufrgs
- matheusazambujailegra, Porto Alegre
- nicollefaveroPorto Alegre - RS, Brazil
- npalffUFRGS - Instituto de Informática
- petcompufrgsUFRGS
- rodrigues-hericPorto Alegre, RS, Brazil
- sartimolocalhost
- sergiopreiraBitloops
- thaisrfernandesPorto Alegre, RS
- thiagolermen
- TopCodeBeast
- ujorgeleite@securityscorecard
- williamniemiecComputer Science - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
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