jakepolacek.com AKA JPolacek.github.io

This repo contains the code for my personal site — jakepolacek.com. This site is created using a React app and hosted as a Github page. I plan on using this README.md to document dev practices, how to deploy, and other learnings that I find. I think that future Jake will find this semi-helpful as long as I keep up the documentation. If I don't keep it up, shame on you future Jake, shame on you.


master is a the protected base branch, meaning that a PR is required in order to merge changes into the branch. However, master is not where the actual site code is hosted — this lives on the gh-pages branch thanks to Settings > Code and automation > Pages > Build and deployment > Branch (see here). Please note that gh-pages should never be merged, and feature branches should only be merged into master.

The React app (created using npm create-react-app jpolacek-dot-com) lives within the jpolacek-dot-com directory in this repo. All other docs that aren't required when building and deploying the React app should live in root on master.

Development & Deployment

All development should be done on a feature branch (i.e. NOT ON master OR gh-pages ). With the feature branch checked out, changes can be tested out locally by running:

$ cd jpolacek-dot-com
$ npm start

http://localhost:3000/ will then open with the latest changes. When developing, you can just edit, save, and refresh the localhost tab in order to see any changes!

If you're messing with the london-tube-game, make sure you have the local secrets somewhere and use them instead of the environment variables in jpolacek-dot-com/public/london-tube-game/consts.js

When you're happy with your changes, open up a PR, and then approve and merge the changes. Once the changes are merged, check out the latest version of master and run npm run deploy from jpolacek-dot-com. This will build the React app with npm and then deploy the page to the gh-pages branch using gh-pages -d build. This deployment structure was kicked off following these instructions. After deploying, you will need to go to Settings > Pages > Custom Domain and update the domain to jakepolacek.com. I'm sure there's a way to fix this, but I really don't want to mess around with this site too much rn.

Random learnings

  • Shrugs

What TODO:

  • I should look into creating a gh-pages-master that is protected and the source branch. This could protect from any feature branch just haphazardly being deployed.
  • What other security do I need to make sure that no one else comes along and just pushes random garbage to my site?