
This is the backend challenge for @hurbcom developer position

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bravo Challenge

This is the backend challenge for @hurbcom developer position and might be, also, used as a portifolio



The goal of this application is to proccess currency conversion, based on this major goals:

  • Conversion rate based on the real currency rate.
  • Possibility of adding new currencies. Feel free to create your own currency :)
  • Possibility of deleting existing currencies.


Running the project

  1. git clone this project
  2. cd into the project folder
  3. Make sure ports: 27017, 6379, 5001, 105001 are not being used. If so, you can kill these ports with sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:<PORT>)
  4. Build de container orchestration docker compose up --build

Expected behavior

  1. When first running the project, server will start one mongodb instance for currency rate data and one for logging.
  2. Server will populate mongodb with currency rate data, so you can start converting.
  3. Server will connect to Redis, so you can have cache.
  4. A cron server will start, so your currency rate can be updated in a every 2 minute job.
  5. Everytime cronjob is executed, the qty of currency found and updated will be logged to the console.
  6. Logs of every request will be displayed to the console.


Converting currency

You can use the available postman collection to make it easier. It can be found in the collection as Get conversion

  1. Access the endpoint http:localhost:5001/currencyConversion?from={fromCurrency}&to={toCurrency}&amount={convertAmount}
  2. Replace the placeholder for the intended conversion
  3. Perform a GET request to the referred endpoint
  4. As an exemple, send this request and receive the following response:

    Request: http:localhost:5001/currencyConversion?from=BRL&to=USD&amount=100.98

    "from": "BRL",
    "to": "USD",
    "amount": "100.98",
    "conversion": 20.33304472691837,
    "fromCahe": true
  • Keep in mind that if you want to convert from or to a currency that does not exists, an error you be returned by the server
  • Same goes to an amount that is not a number

Adding currency

You can use the available postman collection to make it easier. It can be found in the collection as Add currency

  1. Access the endpoint http:localhost:5001/currencyAddition
  2. You must pass a raw body, in a json format, containing the following structure:
    "currency": "CUR",
    "rate": 5.909
  1. Perform a POST request to the referred endpoint
  2. As an exemple, send this request and receive the following response:
    "currency": "CUR",
    "rate": 5.909,
    "_id": "6466e2c70ac00f8dfd623a49",
    "created_at": "2023-05-19T02:45:27.472Z",
    "__v": 0

Keep in mind that if you want to create new currencies, they must be:

  • Minunum of 3 characteres and maximum of 6 characteres
  • Rate must be a positive floating-point number

Also keeo in mind that if you try to perform a request to this endpoint and the currency alredy exists, an error you be returned by the server

Deleting currency

You can use the available postman collection to make it easier. It can be found in the collection as Delete currency

  1. Access the endpoint http:localhost:5001/currencyDeletion/{currency}
  2. Perform a DELETE request to the referred endpoint
  3. As an exemple, send this request and receive the following response:

    Request: http:localhost:5001/currencyDeletion/CUR

Keep in mind that this request will return 204 no content