
More will follow here and at http://www.swat-drones.de/index.php/hd-fpv/einleitung


This project will describe how to use Raspberry Pi B+, A+, 2 or Odroid-W and Arduino Pro Mini to realize a RC link to a vehicle over WLAN.

It's mainly for FPV usage in combination with a HD video stream.

At the ground side it takes the PPM signal of a standard RC transmitter with up to 12 channel.

At the air side it gives up to 8 PWM and a PPM with up to 12 channel simultaniously with a resolution of one micro second using the Arduino Pro Mini IO.

It also realizes a fully configurable two stage failsafe feature in case of link loss.

Usage of up to 6 ADC, 2 PWM in and a serial port for telemetry data like GPS is also possible.

Dedicated telemetry data via speech output is also implemented.

PCBs for Raspberry and Odroid-W:

for Odroid-W

Odroid-W version fully soldered:

for Odroid-W

Odroid-W version with USB-WLAN stick:

for Odroid-W

Odroid-W version weight:

for Odroid-W

Size matters:

for Odroid-W