Instagram challenge is the weekend challenge after week 8 at Makers Academy.
This project was made to learn how to use the ruby on rails frame work and practice the various skills required to make a programme like this. i.e. I want to get better at coding, and practice is the way to do it! This project will require the use of various tech that I am not comfortable with. Rails is a framework which i have not used before this week.
The project is currently under construction, it may not be completed as this is a practice exercise. Further development would include passing the session between pages, further work on users, refactoring out the text and implementing images in their place and work to the UI - html and css styling, also comment boxes for the images, like buttons etc.
Should there be any images, please find them in the images folder of the repo at the root level. I have added a simple favicon to the app/assets/images file which is displayed via the application.html.erb file in the app/views/layoutes folder.
As a self obsessed teenager, I want to post pictures of myself looking fabulous, So that I can develop unrealistic expectaions of the world and anxiety.
As a self obsessed teenager, I want a platform that I can log into, So that others cant post pictures from my account.
As a self obsessed teenager, I want my pictures to be able to receieve spam comments from people I dont know, So that i can feel important.
As a self obsessed teenager, I want my pictures to have a 'like' feature for people to click instead of call me, So that i dont need to talk to anyone.
An apple macbook was used to write code using VSCode as an editor and;
- Ruby 2.5.0 was used as the main language.
- RSpec used for testing.
- Rails 5.2.3 was used for a framework.
- HTML and CSS were used, as you bascially have to.
Rubocop 0.65.0 was used for linting and stylying the Ruby code.
A TDD process was used in the development of this project, although not strict, please see the attached spec files for details of the testing that was carried out. Test coverage is currently XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, which is bring calculated by the simple-cov test coverage gem.
If gems were used, please find attached a gem file listing those gems for installation, else please use the following to run the file:
- bundle install (to install the gems via a terminal)
- bin/rails db:migrate (to run the database migration and create the tables)
No API used in this project.
Credit given to Makers Academy who suggested the project.
No contributions are required at this time, as this is a training exercise.