In order to use public transport As a customer I want money on my card
In order to keep using public transport As a customer I want to add money to my card
In order to protect my money from theft or loss As a customer I want a maximum limit (of £90) on my card
In order to pay for my journey As a customer I need my fare deducted from my card
In order to get through the barriers. As a customer I need to touch in and out.
In order to pay for my journey As a customer I need to have the minimum amount (£1) for a single journey.
In order to pay for my journey As a customer When my journey is complete, I need the correct amount deducted from my card
In order to pay for my journey As a customer I need to know where I've travelled from
In order to know where I have been As a customer I want to see all my previous trips
In order to know how far I have travelled As a customer I want to know what zone a station is in
Step 14: In order to be charged correctly As a customer I need a penalty charge deducted if I fail to touch in or out
Plan1: User will check balance and balance will be returned.
Plan2: User will top-up by a certain amount and the balance will change by that amount.
Plan3: If the user tries to top-up to a balance higher than the limit an error will be raised.
Plan4: If user pays for something then money is removed from their balance.
Plan5a: Tell us a user's commuting status.
Plan5b: Change user's commuting status when they touch in.
Plan5c: Change user's commuting status when they touch out.
Plan6: If a user tries to start a journey with less than £1 then an error will be raised.
card | top_up, deduct, in_journey?, in_journey?, touch_in, touch_out | @balance, @in_journey | REQUIRED_BALANCE |
This is the 'Oystercard' project, a problem set from Makers Academy which I worked on in partnership with Tome de Jesus, Paul Martin, Wardah Tarar, James Davies and Samantha Ixer from the March 2019 cohort.
I am working on this project to build my skills as a developer.
TDD Using the Extract Class Refactoring Pattern. Creating a class. Working with arrays. Working wiht hashes. Writing custom attribute accessors. Selectivly disabling RSpec. Working with RSpec. Using private methods for encapsulation.
Raising errors. Working with constants. Accessing a constant from outside the class. Working with instance variables. Working with booleans / predicate methods. Using RSpec boolen / predicate matchers. Using interpolation. Raising errors.
The project is currently under construction, it may not be completed as this is a practice exercise to build myskills. Latest commit at the time of this readme was at stage 14 of the challenge (building a fare feature).
Rubocop 0.65.0 was used for linting and stylying the Ruby code.
Although UML was carried out i did not take any photos of it.
Ruby was used as the main language, with RSpec used for testing.
Ruby v 2.5.0 was used in the construction of the project, if gems were used, please find attached a gem file listing those gems for installation.
No API used in this project.
A TDD process was used in the development of this project, please see the attached RSpec files for details of the testing that was carried out.
You should be able to run the code via irb.
No contributions are required at this time, as this is a training exercise.
Full credit given to Makers Academy who have suggested the project.
Code written by Jeremyrrsmith