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Primary LanguageJava

CSC201 Final Project

This Readme is a bit lengthy, but should provide all information necessary to contribute to the repository.

Forking a Repository

The easiest way to fork this project is to go to the top right corner of this page and click Fork.

Importing Project into Eclipse

Eclipse and Git Bash don't like cooperating with each other. You have to trick Eclipse into accepting the cloned repository.

Setting up Eclipse

  • Create a folder called FinalProject on your Desktop
  • Open Eclipse and set the workspace to FinalProject
  • Create a Java Project named posbravo2
  • Close Eclipse

Adding Git Repository to Eclipse

Open command prompt. Navigate to your desktop. Execute the following commands:


git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/FinalProject.git temp
robocopy /is /e ./temp/.git ./FinalProject/.git
rd /s /q temp
cd FinalProject
git reset --hard HEAD
git fetch

Mac / Linux

git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/FinalProject.git temp
mv ./temp/.git ./FinalProject/.git
rm -rf temp
cd FinalProject
git reset --hard HEAD
git fetch

Mac / Linux code hasn't been tested, but should work. Feel free to test and update code.

Updating Eclipse

  • Open Eclipse and set the workspace to FinalProject
  • Refresh the Package Explorer by pressing F5

Adding JAR Files to Classpath

The project will throw errors because the required JAR files aren't automatically added to the classpath.

  • Right click posbravo2 -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path...
  • Click Libraries tab -> Add External JARs
  • Navigate to posbravo2/lib/ -> Select all -> Press Open -> Press OK

Pushing Files to Forked Repository

Pushing the files Readme.md and HelloWorld.java with the commit message Sample git.

git add Readme.md
git add HelloWorld.java
git commit -m "Sample git"
git push -u origin hibernate

Create Pull Request

Unfortunately there isn't an easy way to submit a new pull request via the command line.

  • Navigate to https://github.com/csc201/FinalProject/compare/
  • Click compare across forks
  • Change head fork to USERNAME/FinalProject
  • Click Create pull request
  • Add a title for your Pull request and leave a comment
  • Press Create pull request (again)
  • You will receive an email when your pull reqeust has been merged

Syncing Fork

Instructions on how to sync forked repositories with original. Forks should be synchronized after they have been merged with original.

git remote add upstream https://github.com/csc201/FinalProject.git
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/hibernate
git commit -m "sync fork"
git push -u origin hibernate


  • posbravo is original code.
  • posbravo2 is current development (this is the project you need to import).