# Assuming docker is installed, the image can be sourced with: docker pull jwu424/cs842 # The repository "spring2017_cs842typesystems_final" should be forked # From the directory, the image can be built with docker build . # PATH_TO_REPOSITORY refers to the path on the host machine which leads to the forked repository # To run the docker container with proper volumes mounted: docker run --privileged -it -v PATH_TO_REPOSITORY/spring2017_cs842typesystems_final/src:/testsuite -v /:/host jwu424/cs842 # To run the benchmarks within the Docker container, CD into /testsuite/src/PHP or /src/Python or /testsuite/src/Javascript and run the command ./benchmark.sh # This step should be run in the /src directory # To generate the figures and tables assuming R is installed: Rscript --vanilla generateFigures.R