Electronics Technologist. Passionate about programming and tech... Oil and Gas worker... Junior Python Programmer
Pinned Repositories
Bit Displacement can give you precisely the lateral distance from the motor center line to the bit, while Bit Interference is the distance the bit would displace beyond the wall of the wellbore if not constrained by formation.
A script written with Python and Flet framework, it display a country flag while moving forward and backward. Using a python dictionary with country name and flags
A robot powered training repository :robot:
A script written with python and flet. The main idea was create a login page that will change color container dynamically depending on company name. Color on the container are the same company color
Is a simple but useful program designed with python that allow the user to interact and get the fast result of the type of mechanism stuck pipe. Throughout a quiz and your inputs, you will immediately get the result without any math operation, just run it and the program and python will do the work.
JRicardi08's Repositories
Bit Displacement can give you precisely the lateral distance from the motor center line to the bit, while Bit Interference is the distance the bit would displace beyond the wall of the wellbore if not constrained by formation.
Using Tabulate I created a pretty table summarizing my work experience as Directional Driller in the United Arab Emirates
A robot powered training repository :robot:
Is a simple but useful program designed with python that allow the user to interact and get the fast result of the type of mechanism stuck pipe. Throughout a quiz and your inputs, you will immediately get the result without any math operation, just run it and the program and python will do the work.