
LSTM-Xception neural network for detect what chord is being played on a guitar, from image input

Primary LanguagePython


Data Pipeline

  • collect_data.py:
    • collect video data and corresponding chord annotations
    • this saves .npy data of chords to the data/ directory, and raw video to raw_data/
    • you have to manually sort data into one of the following:
      • data/image_model_train: data for training the single-image model
      • data/inference_model_train: test set for image model, train set for inference model
      • data/inference_model_test: test for inference model
  • process_data.py:
    • this runs src/detect_fretboard.py on the raw_data, and saving the fretboard videos to data. It skips data that has already been run, unless you use the --overwrite flag
  • train_image_model.py:
    • trains model to learn fret placements from individual frames of video. This model is pretty big, and should be run on a GPU
    • this model uses the model_config.json file
  • test_image_model.py (optional):
    • evaluate the performance of the image model on the data/inference_model_train set
    • this is run by train_image_model at the end automatically
  • train_inference_model.py:
    • train the inference model on the data in data/inference_model_train
  • test_inference_model.py:
    • test the inference model (and image model) on the test set in data/inference_model_test