
An example of an Angular application using ASP.NET Core and SignalR with XPlatform functionality

Primary LanguageC#

Angular // ASP.NET Core // SignalR

With this repository we can create a X-Platform / Cross Platform Application running with npm, ASP.NET Core, SignalR and Angular with Typescript.


Follow @FabianGosebrink




Just clone this repo and run

npm start

Browse to


(No SignalR but live-reloading)



(SignalR but no live-reload)

To see the page then. SignalR is not working there because of CORS-Issues with signalR. Just load the application in Visual Studio and press the Play Button.

building and using process

If you want to get production builds you can type

gulp build:web:prod 

to build the production-ready build or type

gulp build:all

to get the .dist-folder filled with all the cross-platform builds.

After this you can type

dotnet run

to start the ASP.NET Server or just press the Play-Button in Visual Studio.

This is the output after starting the dnx web server alt text

After this you can browse to the site alt text



you can list all tasks alt text

alt text

Mobile alt text

Win 8.1 alt text

Desktop alt text