
Ruby on Rails application with Admin Portal, Account Portal, Users, User Roles, Projects, Tasks, Tickets, Ticket Conversations, Invitations and more. This was an old project for RoR practice and is far from production ready. Clone it, use it, learn from it, get creative! Any questions? Feel free to contact me!

Primary LanguageCSS


Deploy to Heroku

This application was generated with the rails_apps_composer gem provided by the RailsApps Project.

Rails Composer is open source and supported by subscribers. Please join RailsApps to support development of Rails Composer.

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Your application contains diagnostics in the README file. Please provide a copy of the README file when reporting any issues.

If the application doesn’t work as expected, please report an issue and include the diagnostics.

Ruby on Rails

This application requires:

  • Ruby 2.1.5
  • Rails 4.1.7

Learn more about Installing Rails.

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