
Acting as a MEAN stack basis. Includes Passport.js with user role string, license string, admin boolean. It also includes an account area and an admin area. Both areas are authenticated or redirected within it's angular controller.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#MEAN Base ###Objective To tailor a reusable MEAN stack.

###Current Features

User model
- role: string - default: basic
- admin: boolean - default: false
- license: string - default:

- Account
-- Accessible by registered users.

- Admin
-- Accessible by authorized admin users.

- isLoggedIn checks for each specific route

###Cloning and Launching Locally

  1. Install Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and git on your machine
  2. Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:JRizzle88/mean-base.git
  1. To install node packages listed in package.json run
npm install
  1. Run the server
node server
  1. Wait until you see "App listening on port 8080" in your command terminal
  2. Open your browser and go here to see it live.
  3. Get creative.

###Current Ideas

- Add User manager in the Admin area
- Improve area authorization
- Improve session verifier isLoggedIn
Feel free to submit issues or suggested features.