
Minimal PoC for a custom AFL++ mutator using an internal representation for data which doesn't match the one expected by the target.

The mutator's afl_custom_post_process is used to convert the data from the internal representation to the one understood by the target. Indeed, the documentation states the following about post_process:

For some cases, the format of the mutated data returned from the custom mutator is not suitable to directly execute the target with this input. For example, when using libprotobuf-mutator, the data returned is in a protobuf format which corresponds to a given grammar. In order to execute the target, the protobuf data must be converted to the plain-text format expected by the target. In such scenarios, the user can define the post_process function. This function is then transforming the data into the format expected by the API before executing the target.


The target

target.cpp is a dummy program which takes a file path as argument, gives it to its fuzz function and unsafely copies the content of the file in a local buffer of 16 chars:

memcpy(buf, input.c_str(), input.length());

Fuzzing it with AFL++ would intent to find crashes because of this intentional stack buffer-overflow vulnerability.

The custom mutator

mutator.c is a dummy implementation of a custom mutator which re-defines:

  • afl_custom_init which allocates memory for the mutator parameters.
  • afl_custom_fuzz which mutates the given input by adding a random number of characters at the end of the input.
  • afl_custom_post_process which converts the buffer from the mutator's internal representation to a plain buffer.
  • afl_custom_deinit which frees the memory allocated for the mutator parameters.

The expected input format

In this PoC, the input format manipulated by AFL is encoded as the following:

| size of the data | data |


0000  00 00 00 04 74 65 73 74                         ....test

But the target only expects receiving decoded data, i.e. the data only (without the size field). That is why the afl_custom_post_process function is needed.



You need to clone AFL++ in the aflplusplus directory at the root of this repo. See the official instructions to build.


Simply run:



You can fuzz the target using AFL++ and the custom mutator by running:



As of commit c7bb0a9, after the initial calibration phase, you should observer the following crash:

[mutator] Called afl_custom_fuzz with buffer of size 8
  0000  00 00 00 04 74 65 73 74                          ....test
[mutator] Generated mutated data of size 16
  0000  00 00 00 0c 74 65 73 74 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  ....test01234567

[mutator] Called afl_custom_post_process with buffer of size 16
  0000  00 00 00 0c 74 65 73 74 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  ....test01234567
[mutator] Generated post-process data of size 12
  0000  74 65 73 74 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37              test01234567
[target] Reading file at /dev/shm/.cur_input
[target] Read 12 bytes from file
  0000  74 65 73 74 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37              test01234567
[D] DEBUG: calibration stage 1/8

[mutator] Called afl_custom_post_process with buffer of size 12
  0000  00 00 00 0c 74 65 73 74 30 31 32 33              ....test0123
[mutator] Buffer size doesn't match encoded size: expected 16 but got 12
[mutator] According to the encoding, the buffer looks like:
  0000  00 00 00 0c 74 65 73 74 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  ....test01234567

[-] PROGRAM ABORT : Custom_post_process failed (ret: 0)
         Location : write_to_testcase(), src/afl-fuzz-run.c:112

The afl_custom_post_process function is called twice. The second time, the wrong size is passed as argument (though the same value is stored in the buf argument). This new size is the value previously returned by the first execution of afl_custom_post_process.