
Example plugin for COEF

Primary LanguageC++

The 'COEF Advanced Example' plugin demonstrates the same concepts as the Basic and Intermediate example plugins.
In addition, it illustrates:
-   Loading & linking to the COEF Components library
-   Implementation of a new Form type using the ExtendedForm component, including:
    -   defining and registering an ExtendedForm object
    -   Patching the vtbls to fill in the gaps where COEF has not yet defined methods
    -   overriding the Copy, Compare, & GetFormType methods properly
    -   overriding the LoadForm and SaveFormChunks methods to serialize the form
    -   overriding the various dialog-related methods to implement a dialog interface in the CS
-   Registering a listener event in the main CS window proc using the EventManager component
-   Adding a menu item to the main CS window

Requirements for Developers:
1.  Common Oblivion Engine Framework
2.  Oblivion Script Extender, v19 or later
3.  A TR1 compliant version of Visual Studio (2008 with TR1 extras installed, or 2010 or later)

Setup Instructions for Developers:
1.  Extract the archive to a working directory for development
2.  Open COEF_AdvancedExample.sln in a text editor and find the line beginning with
        Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "COEF"
    Enter the path (relative or absolute) to COEF.vcproj, found in your COEF directory
3.  Open EnvPaths.vsprops in a text editor, and change the paths it contains:
        COEFPATH - the path (relative or absolute) of your COEF directory
        OBSEPATH - the path (relative or absolute) to the OBSE source code directory containing 'Common' and 'OBSE' subdirectories
        OBLIVIONPATH - the path to your Oblivion\ directory
4.  (Optional) Rename COEF_AdvancedExample.sln to the project name of your choice.  All internal strings (log file names, plugin name
    provided to OBSE, etc). should automatically reflect whatever name you choose.
5.  Navigate to your Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\ directory and create a new folder called COEF_AdvancedExample, or whatever name you chose
    in step 4.  Copy the Settings.ini to this new folder from your working directory.
6.  Open the solution in Visual Studio and begin development.  You may get an error the first time you compile the code;
    compile it at least twice before troubleshooting.