Merkle Trade Contract

CLI Commands

_We recommend Aptos CLI above v2.0.1.


aptos move compile


aptos move test --coverage --ignore-compile-warnings


aptos move publish --assume-yes --included-artifacts none --max-gas 1000000

Execution Flows

Placing Orders (open, close position)

graph LR;
    Order")--"open, close"-->position1("trading.move

User may create a new Order by invoking the place_order function.

Once the Order is created, the keeper receives the Order creation event and executes the Order by invoking execute_order function with a real-time market price fetched from the Pyth price feed, transitioning the Order to a Position.

This two-step execution process ensures the orders are always executed with the real-time market price.

Take Profit, Stop Loss, Liquidation

graph LR;

Once a position is created, it's monitored closely for changes in the asset's price by position keepers. When the asset's price hits either the take profit, stop loss, or liquidation prices, the execute_exit_position function is called by the position keepers.

PnL Settlement

graph LR;
    user_with_loss("User with loss")--loss-->LP;
    LP--profit-->user_with_profit(User with profit);

When handling a decrease order, PnL is determined by the change in asset price since the position was opened.

When a trader experiences a loss, the LP receives a portion or the total amount of the collateral associated with the closed position. Conversely, when a trade closes positively, the LP pays out the profits to the user.

Fee Settlement

graph LR;
    fee("Trading fee")-->Distributor;
    Distributor-->dev(Dev fund);

Fees generated from trading are distributed to Merkle LP, Staker, and Dev Fund based on their respective weights.

Contract Structure


trading directory contains the core modules mainly involved in trading. Specifically, the trading.move module stores all the data about each listed pair and the current state of the pair. For simplicity, all the utility functions for calculations are separated into the trading_calc.move file.


house_lp contains the modules that implement the Liquidity Pool. Liquidity providers can deposit into or withdraw from the LP through this module.


oracles contains the modules that are responsible for the price feed used for trading.


distributors contains the distributor module that distirbutes the fees to the liquidity pool, stakers, and the dev team as per the set weights.


common directory contains the utility functions for integer calculations or the integration of Pyth and Switchboard.


deployments directory contains the scripts used to set up the testnet environment. It will not be used on the mainnet and is intended to set up a basic test environment for deployments.